Saturday, April 30, 2011

beginning a flower garden

This is just a side note to the flower blog I wrote earlier.
I guess my memory is getting just as bad as Mema's.
Runs in the family.

During our talks, and especially in spring,
Mema recalls how her mother,
well actually family,
used to garden.
In the spring everyone would head out to the woods.
Shovels and buckets in hand.
Her mom would wander off the paths and shout out
when she found a specimen
that needed to go into that years' garden.
As such, there were far more perennials
than annuals blooming in her early spring garden.

Can't you just picture it now?!~
Mema and her brothers and sisters,
carrying little trowels,
Digging around in the leaves and dirt from the winter.
The boys teasing the girls with fresh worms,
the girls finding small bouquets of wild flowers.

I used to, on occasion,
try this on our walks in the woods with the girls.
It is highly frowned upon now by the authorities.

I love that the early gardens were cultivated this way though.
Such a part of our homemaking history.
Great Grandma loved her flowers,
as Mema says whenever she sees l=nice gardens.

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